Chiropractic - Treating Sciatica With Chiropractic
Sciatica refers to pain, numbness, or tingling that begins in the lower back and continues down the sciatica nerve into the buttocks and legs. Sciatica is not a disorder itself, but rather a symptom of some other underlying cause, usually pinched nerve or herniated disk in the lower back or lumbar disk herniation (LDH). When a spinal disk herniates, the gel-like substance between the vertebrae can creat pressure around the nerve causing pain and dysfunction. When this occurs in the lower back near the sciatica nerve, it can cause pain and dysfunction anywhere along the sciatica nerve, the longest nerve in the body. The most common sciatica symptoms may include pain in your buttocks, pain in the back of your thighs and calf muscles, tingling or burning sensations as far down as your feet and toes, muscle weakness, and numbness. You may or may not have associated back pain. Mild sciatica symptoms will often subside on its own but don't ignore that there is a cause. Moderate to seve...